There are many and varied brands of wireless digital door locks currently in the wider market. Many of these products we have discussed in this website and picture here. Many of the pictured products here operate on small batteries, either AA, AAA, 9V or even watch cell batteries. The market is quite vast with many of the leading manufacturers in the world also producing a wireless battery powered product to corner some market share too.
I think it is somewhat interesting, having traveled abroad recently, that not as many European countries appear to share the fascination for wireless battery powered locks, quite like the USA.
I remember traveling to Canada a few years ago and noticed very few instances of wireless digital locks installed on residences and buildings there too.
So, this begs the question as to why there appears to be a consumer fascination for these electronic gadgets, especially in the largest market in the world, the USA.
Having recently returned from abroad, I noticed that hardwired digital lock systems and access control products appear to be more favored there. Hardwired products offer significant longevity and advantages to wireless battery operation, but essentially there is never, ever a need to have to replace batteries. Replacing batteries, while an inconvenience, is a hidden ongoing cost, rarely considered by consumers.
There are also a great many and varied commercial products in the wireless genre that continue to come to market, offering increased access control and some also include audit trails, among other desired traits. These products too require constant and never ending battery replacement to ensure correct and continuing operations. Often there will be a maintenance manager or janitor employed in a building responsible for replacing batteries and keeping every thing working normally. And when a product fails, it is often because lax maintenance is responsible. Batteries are not replaced timely enough and staff find themselves locked out, through no fault of their own.
Some upmarket commercial access control products of the wireless variety are very good quality and offer some advantages to mechanical keyed systems, but they too require constant battery replacements to ensure continued operations.
There are some very interesting and quite good looking products that are quite functional on offer across the world. many also use remote fobs to lock or unlock and, of course, these remote fobs require batteries replaced too. The hidden costs are not discussed by manufacturers or retailers and many consumers are in the dark about the longterm disadvantages of having to constantly replace batteries.
We have been selling the wireless battery operated electric strike, here for a few years now, but this product is not immune either to the continuing need to replace batteries.
We are also the North American distributor for the fabulous Meroni line of lock products and even their digital battery operated product requires continual battery replacement for continued operation,
The issues listed above about battery life are not the only problems plaguing the wireless lock industry. Many brands also use motor driven deadbolts that require the door and frame to be in perfect alignment so the bolt can enter the strike and frame. If there is door movement or weathering, frames can move and impede the natural locking/unlocking of your product. Other use issues occur due to poorly installed doors. Most doors found in America today, on residential homes and even some commercial dwellings are built from wooden doors and frames, often installed using short screws in the hinges to attach to the frame.
The IBC (International Building Code) accepted and gazetted by many American localities, demand that the height of the operating door handle be 36" from the floor. When the original building code was written by the Army Corp Of Engineers in 1949, the average height of an American Adult was 5'6" tall, while today the average height (male/female) is 5'10" tall.
Understanding a persons height is important because the average door is about 6'8" tall in North America. In many other countries, people install their locks significantly higher. The reason is simple. The lower the handle, the likelihood of you pushing down on the handle is higher and that continued downward pressure contributes to door sagging. The half inch screws in your hinges cannot take the weight of the door combined with constant pushing down on the handle, so the door drops. You often see this by the rubbing of the upper portion of your door on the frame and a wider gap at the top on the lock side than the gap on the hinge side. Also, sometimes your door will drag on the floor.
I do a fair amount of commercial locksmith and door repair work and often see these electronic battery operated locks in the field. I often ask my customers as to their happiness with the products. Many, who have been using them for quite some time, have realized that the chore of constantly replacing batteries is becoming far too common and often and they make the choice to remove batteries altogether, preferring to go back to the mechanical, maintenance free key lock system.
So what do i recommend?
I'm glad you asked.
I always ask the customer why they want a digital door lock in the first place.
Most simply desire the convenience of not having to carry a key and that they cannot be locked out if they have a combination.
I then ask how often they have had to replace batteries.
The most common answer I get is, "once every 2-3 months, sometimes more".
When I press a little bit further, the clients who might have had them for longer, often indicate that after the fourth time replacing the batteries, they simply go back to using the mechanical key.
This indicates to me that many customers are now using their you beaut $250+ wireless battery operated door lock identically to when they simply had a mechanical key. Many keyed door locks cost significantly less than $250+, so that is a clear indication (to me) that they are not receiving the value for their money.
With WiFi and Bluetooth and NFC components being included in many later models of battery operated door locks, there is more requirement for power to be able to use the products. Why would you rely on batteries constantly to power these power hungry products? Batteries can only last so long, no? And often they will fail when you least expect them or require them.
As to my recommendations on products that can offer the best of both worlds, you might consider the Kaba Powerplex digital door lock that uses an electro-mechanical power module embedded within, that when the handle is turned, the unit powers up enough juice to enter your combination. No need to ever replace batteries yet still the convenience of electronic combination entry.
Certainly not cheap. Quality products cost more of course, but the Kaba Powerplex delivers where other products fail.
In the next week I will be repairing a customers back door mechanical door lock. They initially requested another electronic deadbolt for the convenience of not having to carry a key. (my service call that day to them was to unlock another digital door lock that wasnt operating. It was of course a flat battery) I recommended that they install a mechanical key box like the Supra brand wall mounted heavy duty mechanical digital key box to the cement wall outside their home and place their operating key inside. That way they can maintain the original lock on the door and still enjoy the convenience of not having to carry their key, for the paltry cost of about $35 plus installation.
The choice is yours. I'd be interested to hear your comments in the box below. Comments are subject to moderation.
Specialty Door, Lock And Repair Services In St Louis Missouri. (314)266-1533
Unique Security Products and Specialty Locksmith Services - St Louis Locksmiths for Greater St Louis Missouri
'Securing America - One Door At A Time'314 266 1533
'Keep It Yours... Lock Your Doors!'
Showing posts with label Baldwin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baldwin. Show all posts
March 5, 2019
April 27, 2018
Water Proofing Repair Project Using Plast-Aid Repair Product - Door Repairs Are Part Of A Locksmiths Repertoire
Being a locksmith is not my only offering. It is the vocation I am most experienced in, with about 35 years experience across 4 continents. I am lucky to have worked with many different professional locksmith tradespeople all over the world and have learned and continue to learn old and new tips, tricks and methods that will one day benefit customers I come into contact with.
Unlike some other locksmith tradespeople and businesses, I choose to believe that locksmiths dont just choose to work on locks and locking products or access control systems. I choose to believe that a locksmith is a person who will work on anything that opens and closes, with particular emphasis on doors. They can be entry doors (swing, sliding, roll top etc), safes (combination, digital, keyed etc), vehicles (cars, trucks, boats, aeroplanes etc), even appliances (cabinets, cupboards, refrigerators etc).
Often I am called upon by various customers to effect repairs to frames and hinges on swinging doors, rollers on sliding doors, safe combination servicing, even repairing vehicle ignition and door access control systems. Just yesterday I performed 3 separate and different types of jobs. One was installing a new replacement Baldwin mortise lock that was warrantied (unknown to the client) by the manufacturer for life. I had serviced the same client a number of times for different projects over the last 4 years, repairing and rekeying locks and doors as their needs arose.
The second job yesterday, was repairing a door closer on a shopfront. The client was concerned that they required a new closer to replace their aging model on their shopfront entry door, that had started to slam and not close slowly enough. Their worry was that the glass window might break and they would be unsecure. We simply adjusted the closing speed and latching action on their existing product, saving them hundreds of dollars in replacement parts and comforting them with the knowledge that they continue to be secure..
The third project was a little more complicated...
We were called by a client who had read some of our reviews on Thumbtack, a lead generation service for professional tradespeople that offers alternative leads services to Angies List, Home Advisor, Porch, Amazon Home Services among others. Having been a longtime member of the Home Advisor network (formerly Service Magic) and enjoying 350+ reviews there averaging 4.79/5 stars and also Thumbtack, with about 37 reviews to date averaging 4.9/5 stars, we are pleased that customers in our service region continue to be impressed with our offerings and bless us with many good natured positive reviews .
The project we completed yesterday took 5 hours to complete to satisfaction. The required repair was on a 75 year old home, where the basement walkout door was a custom built door installed when the house was built, but was suffering from the very common issue of water damage. The home owners were selling their property and moving out of state and a condition of the sale was to improve/repair the back basement walkout door. They had already contacted a number of contractors who had all determined that replacing the custom door would have been the best suggestion. The average estimated cost for supplying and installing a new custom door and frame in that location was ~$3500.00.
We decided to offer an alternative repair....
Plast-Aid is a product we have been using for about 7 years now. We found out about this brilliant product while researching PVC repair products and were delighted to learn about the other uses for the product. The Plast-Aid video below explains the uses of this product and how easy it is to use.
In the above video, they hint at other projects where Plast-Aid can be used successfully. We decided that the benefits of water-proofing would benefit our customer because the repair would mean they would not have to replace their door and frame.
In the first image above (my foot), you can see that the client had already attempted to effect repairs using standard caulk and just filling in where the water rotted gaps were appearing.
The caulk did not dry correctly and the result was not suitable enough for painting, while not actually repairing the water damage within and preventing additional water damage.
The next image shows the hole where i dug out the old caulk.
The amount of caulk used was far too much and didnt do anything to cure the water damage. It simply was an attempt to cover up and hide the damaged area.
The last 2 images show the completed Plast-Aid repair, where we used the Plast-Aid to provide a water-proof barrier for the future. We cleaned up the looks using our Makita 3/8" belt sander that we use as a power file. This fixed the water damaged frame to the point where the customer can now use wood filler to patch over the top, sand and paint.
We are not painters and would never claim to be. We advise our clients prior to any repairs that we suggest they may want to contact a professional painter to put the finishing touches on important ambience of a project.
Unlike some other locksmith tradespeople and businesses, I choose to believe that locksmiths dont just choose to work on locks and locking products or access control systems. I choose to believe that a locksmith is a person who will work on anything that opens and closes, with particular emphasis on doors. They can be entry doors (swing, sliding, roll top etc), safes (combination, digital, keyed etc), vehicles (cars, trucks, boats, aeroplanes etc), even appliances (cabinets, cupboards, refrigerators etc).
Often I am called upon by various customers to effect repairs to frames and hinges on swinging doors, rollers on sliding doors, safe combination servicing, even repairing vehicle ignition and door access control systems. Just yesterday I performed 3 separate and different types of jobs. One was installing a new replacement Baldwin mortise lock that was warrantied (unknown to the client) by the manufacturer for life. I had serviced the same client a number of times for different projects over the last 4 years, repairing and rekeying locks and doors as their needs arose.
The second job yesterday, was repairing a door closer on a shopfront. The client was concerned that they required a new closer to replace their aging model on their shopfront entry door, that had started to slam and not close slowly enough. Their worry was that the glass window might break and they would be unsecure. We simply adjusted the closing speed and latching action on their existing product, saving them hundreds of dollars in replacement parts and comforting them with the knowledge that they continue to be secure..
The third project was a little more complicated...
We were called by a client who had read some of our reviews on Thumbtack, a lead generation service for professional tradespeople that offers alternative leads services to Angies List, Home Advisor, Porch, Amazon Home Services among others. Having been a longtime member of the Home Advisor network (formerly Service Magic) and enjoying 350+ reviews there averaging 4.79/5 stars and also Thumbtack, with about 37 reviews to date averaging 4.9/5 stars, we are pleased that customers in our service region continue to be impressed with our offerings and bless us with many good natured positive reviews .
The project we completed yesterday took 5 hours to complete to satisfaction. The required repair was on a 75 year old home, where the basement walkout door was a custom built door installed when the house was built, but was suffering from the very common issue of water damage. The home owners were selling their property and moving out of state and a condition of the sale was to improve/repair the back basement walkout door. They had already contacted a number of contractors who had all determined that replacing the custom door would have been the best suggestion. The average estimated cost for supplying and installing a new custom door and frame in that location was ~$3500.00.
We decided to offer an alternative repair....
Plast-Aid is a product we have been using for about 7 years now. We found out about this brilliant product while researching PVC repair products and were delighted to learn about the other uses for the product. The Plast-Aid video below explains the uses of this product and how easy it is to use.
In the above video, they hint at other projects where Plast-Aid can be used successfully. We decided that the benefits of water-proofing would benefit our customer because the repair would mean they would not have to replace their door and frame.
In the first image above (my foot), you can see that the client had already attempted to effect repairs using standard caulk and just filling in where the water rotted gaps were appearing.
The caulk did not dry correctly and the result was not suitable enough for painting, while not actually repairing the water damage within and preventing additional water damage.
The next image shows the hole where i dug out the old caulk.
The amount of caulk used was far too much and didnt do anything to cure the water damage. It simply was an attempt to cover up and hide the damaged area.
This next image shows me digging out the vast amounts of caulk and dirt that had creeped into the water damaged hole beneath the old door frame.
We must have pulled out almost a quarter cubic yard caulk, mud and other garbage from this hole.
The next image shows how much material we had to cut out, of the water damaged wood, before we could begin the actual repairs.
You can see the Plast-Aid that we used to fill the base of the hole, left by the water damaged frame.
We actually used 3 separate containers of the Plast-Aid product to make enough material to fill in the base. This is designed to create a water-proof base with which to build upon.
The next image shows the entire filled portion where Plast-Aid was used to provide the filler.
Plast-Aid is great because it dries and "cures" quickly to enable you to build upon each layer of repair reasonably quickly. The product takes about 10-15 minutes to cure to a state where it can be molded into a soft putty and then be inserted into the application, without it dripping everywhere and making a huge mess.
The last 2 images show the completed Plast-Aid repair, where we used the Plast-Aid to provide a water-proof barrier for the future. We cleaned up the looks using our Makita 3/8" belt sander that we use as a power file. This fixed the water damaged frame to the point where the customer can now use wood filler to patch over the top, sand and paint.
We are not painters and would never claim to be. We advise our clients prior to any repairs that we suggest they may want to contact a professional painter to put the finishing touches on important ambience of a project.
Purchasing Plast-Aid through their website is the better idea than through online market places, in my opinion. See the source below for a link to the Plast-Aid home page, which also shows many other applications for this fabulous product.
May 24, 2016
Why Is Re-keying Your Home Locks Vital And Important For Home Security?
Pictured here is a typical front door entrance set found commonly across the United States.
Many customers we visit, ask us to re-key their locks. It is one of a locksmiths principal service offerings.
But why is it a vital and important project upon buying, renting or moving to your new home, to re-key locks?
In our vast 35+ years of experience across four continents, we have re-keyed a great many lock systems for our customers. The obvious reason for re-keying your locks, is to lock out a key holder.
We attend many customers who rarely think to re-key their locks when they first move in to their new home or office. Many seem to think that previous owners or tenants have returned all the operating keys and that full disclosure indicates there are no additional operating keys "out there".
But time and again, we find that many homeowners are unaware that many of their new locks, installed by the building contractor, are in fact master-keyed. The reason their locks are master-keyed is often a building contractor or home construction company, will build more than one or two or three houses in a new locality and to minimize the number of different keys that each of their tradespeople are required to carry, to access each different property, the builder will order direct from the manufacturer, all their locks keyed to their master system. The builder will obviously hand over the individual operating keys for each new property to the new owner or agent, but many new homeowners are unaware that their new locks are actually master-keyed and will often delay or forget altogether to ensure no-one but they have keys or copies to their new home. Perhaps they are lured into a false sense of security that their new home is secure because they have original keys in their possession?
There are some builders who operate with integrity and install Construction Keyed locks to doors. And these builders will also instruct the customer to insert their individual operating key to all their new locks and in so doing, their construction keyed cylinders will naturally and automatically "switch off" the construction keying function.
We just came from another customer where we re-keyed their locks. In dismantling the cylinders we discovered master pins in multiple chambers, indicating (most likely) that these locks have never been changed, since original installation.
Now, here is the rub!
Many customers we visit, ask us to re-key their locks. It is one of a locksmiths principal service offerings.
But why is it a vital and important project upon buying, renting or moving to your new home, to re-key locks?
In our vast 35+ years of experience across four continents, we have re-keyed a great many lock systems for our customers. The obvious reason for re-keying your locks, is to lock out a key holder.
We attend many customers who rarely think to re-key their locks when they first move in to their new home or office. Many seem to think that previous owners or tenants have returned all the operating keys and that full disclosure indicates there are no additional operating keys "out there".
But time and again, we find that many homeowners are unaware that many of their new locks, installed by the building contractor, are in fact master-keyed. The reason their locks are master-keyed is often a building contractor or home construction company, will build more than one or two or three houses in a new locality and to minimize the number of different keys that each of their tradespeople are required to carry, to access each different property, the builder will order direct from the manufacturer, all their locks keyed to their master system. The builder will obviously hand over the individual operating keys for each new property to the new owner or agent, but many new homeowners are unaware that their new locks are actually master-keyed and will often delay or forget altogether to ensure no-one but they have keys or copies to their new home. Perhaps they are lured into a false sense of security that their new home is secure because they have original keys in their possession?
There are some builders who operate with integrity and install Construction Keyed locks to doors. And these builders will also instruct the customer to insert their individual operating key to all their new locks and in so doing, their construction keyed cylinders will naturally and automatically "switch off" the construction keying function.
We just came from another customer where we re-keyed their locks. In dismantling the cylinders we discovered master pins in multiple chambers, indicating (most likely) that these locks have never been changed, since original installation.
Now, here is the rub!
August 8, 2013
Kwikset Smartkey - More Problems
Kwikset Smartkey Problems is one of the leading search engine keywords that brings people to this site.
Many people get to this page and leave a comment or read other pages within.
Mark Tobias and his team of researchers just released an updated story (see Source below) about a new hack that renders the security of almost any Kwikset, Baldwin or Weiser lock system, that essentially use the Smartkey platform, easily defeated with virtually no damage.
I am not sure how long the video will be active, but if you are a Kwikset Smartkey owner or are contemplating buying one, you really need to be made aware of this products shortcomings.
Many people get to this page and leave a comment or read other pages within.
Mark Tobias and his team of researchers just released an updated story (see Source below) about a new hack that renders the security of almost any Kwikset, Baldwin or Weiser lock system, that essentially use the Smartkey platform, easily defeated with virtually no damage.
I am not sure how long the video will be active, but if you are a Kwikset Smartkey owner or are contemplating buying one, you really need to be made aware of this products shortcomings.
October 25, 2012
More Reason to Steer Clear of Kwikset Smartkey
Kwikset products were recently sold again by their parent company Stanley Black & Decker, picked up by Spectrum Brands of Minnesota. Kwikset, Baldwin and some other well known brands in the mix were also acquired by Spectrum.
A rather revealing video (after the jump) of the simple method to unlock any Kwikset Smartkey Product has surfaced. In most circumstances, this method (like most others) will defeat any Kwikset Smartkey Product without identifiable damage and in most cases, the original key will still work, although the rekey (or Smart) feature is completely disabled.
April 20, 2012
Reassembly And Installing Serrature Meroni Combina Entrance Set
[video removed]
Today I installed 2 new Serrature Meroni Combina Entrance Sets. I tried to record the reassembly and installation using my Android phone.
The Serrature Meroni Combina entrance set is a beautiful and functional product that is precision built to tight tolerances, ensuring top quality and long lasting functionality.
Today I installed 2 new Serrature Meroni Combina Entrance Sets. I tried to record the reassembly and installation using my Android phone.
The Serrature Meroni Combina entrance set is a beautiful and functional product that is precision built to tight tolerances, ensuring top quality and long lasting functionality.
March 31, 2012
Emtek By Assa Abloy Announce Price Increase Effective April 2, 2012
Breaking News: Emtek Hardware announce that effective April 2nd, 2012 their entire product line will increase in price.
Quotes prepared prior to April 2nd, 2012 will be honored at the old pricing for 45 days.
Emtek, owned by Assa Abloy have been producing beautiful quality and ornate door hardware for residential
February 1, 2012
Many Manufacturers Announce Price Increases Today
A recent memo from some of our suppliers informed us about many of the leading brand manufacturers increasing their prices for their products, effective February 1st, 2012.
Assa-Abloy, HES, Schlage, HID, etc are among the few who have raised their prices.
Lucky for some, we actually lowered many prices on our specialty inventory items.
It is a competitive market out there and by offering the identical products to everyone else online and offline, the only way to remain competitive, many vendors can only compete on labor charges.
Fortunately, by offering products that are less mainstream than brand named lines, we can offer super-competitive prices, as long as you are not fussed about having the brand named products.
We offer Cal-Royal, Carbine, LSDA, Baron, Emtek, Meroni, Cowdroy, Lock Focus, Bilock products that are often similar in application to the more mainstream brands but at more competitive prices.
We will also provide any brand, upon request if we can get it.
August 1, 2011
Serrature Meroni - Combina Hardware From Italy
Our new product line the fabulous Serrature Meroni - Combina, direct from Italy was showcased a few years in Europe. See how easy it is to operate this handle? It will surpass ADA requirements in both commercial and residential markets. The simplicity of design ensures easy operation by anyone.
No more twisting your hand to open your door, this stylish design is surprisingly, competitively priced compared to mainstream products available elsewhere.
We also offer the entire range of Serrature Meroni products. The choice of colors and styles is impressive.
We will be showing their range in upcoming features!
Wholesale opportunity for fellow locksmiths only.
March 30, 2011
MinuteKEY - Self-Service Key Machine
minuteKEY Introduction video from minuteKEY on Vimeo.
New machine is being released to the world that might make key duplication a simpler experience for consumers.
The minuteKEY self service machine is specifically designed to be simple and easy to operate, offering a limited array of home and office keys in standard brass or designer keyblanks.
This revolution in the key duplication market will change the face of the hardware/key duplication market, speed up consumer wait times and in all likelihood reduce costs as well.
It is my understanding that Walmart is soon to be trialling these in select stores.
November 19, 2010
Breaking News - Bilock For Kwikset
8.00am EST Breaking News... Bilock announce final testing of a new replacement cylinder especially designed for Emtek, Baldwin and Kwikset Door Locks.
The ability for discerning customers to maintain the same hardware is a key motivator and cost savings factor to be considered, when updating to a 100% bump proof and virtually pick proof system that enables authorized signature controlled keys.
Bilock are constantly designing solutions aimed at reducing the customers cost for maintaining higher levels of physical security. To do so without largely buying new hardware is a chore that many competitors in the market are incapable of matching without complete hardware replacement.
By making use of Bilock's patented Quick Change Core system, you can increase the security of your existing door lock at the same time as having a self-rekeyable lock system.
We are expecting a test model shortly and will report more details later. Stay tuned.
July 24, 2010
Kwikset Smartkey Problems...
8/23/2018 UPDATE: We just updated the video above to a better video from our colleague Terry Whin-Yates.
Came across an interesting blogpost today that has several comments by product users, all complaining about similar problems shortly after installing Kwikset Smartkey locks.
One such comment by a poster....
"Our smartkey failed this evening. We locked both deadbolt and door as we left, came home to locked out. I called kwikset and after working with them on the phone trying to wiggle the key to the 1/4 turn position to try and get it to the learn position – nothing worked. The customer support person said since we had keys duplicated using the grinding method instead of having a locksmith stamp them out the keys had made the cams in the lock out of alignment. I asked CS how we will get in if we are on the OUTSIDE wanting in and he said we would have to either find another way in or drill out the cylinder. They are sending a replacement cylinder. No thanks – I don’t want to take the chance."
"My husband just bought this and installed it yesterday. While “rekeying” to our key, it stopped working! Now both the key that came with it doesn’t open the door nor the new key. I was looking for the company’s website for troubleshooting the problem and found this! Glad we kept the receipt as this installation is not continuing! Thank you all for commenting! You are saving more people from getting ripped off with this lock!"
"What a nightmare.My baby boy moves out to his first house and buys the kwikset smartkey to assure his security.comes home one night,pouring down rain and 28 degrees outside cant get in the house the key doesnt fit the lock .He has to sleep out in the car all night long.what a nightmare.never again will a smartkey be bought especially $80.00.there needs to be a recall on the kwikset smartkey.what a let down."
"What a joke, installed YESTERDAY, worked perfectly fine until coming home today with groceries and a 6 month old, to find out our key no longer worked. Was told by customer service that this is NOT an issue and people do not have this problem (Obviously I told him to check this website, because he was wrong)
Option one, I can take the deadbolt off my front door to bring to Home Depot and have them fix the lock, which would leave my house unsecure as there would be NO lock on my door. The other option is to wait 5-7 days for a new lock from them. He said the new lock they will send me is more efficient then the one month old lock already installed and he guarantees it will not have this problem.
In the meantime, how the heck am I supposed to get in and out of my house if my lock doesn’t work?
WHAT A JOKE! Take these stupid things offffff the market"
" I received the new smart key cylinder from
Kwieset and installed it on the front door. From the get-go I had problems, only some of the existing keys worked. Bought new keys and they seemed to work better for a short time. Now they are giving me problems. I have to jiggle them inside the lock to unlock the door and even now they are giving me problems. Finally I had enough: no trust in the lock and never knew when I would be locked out again. I took the smart key cylinder out and installed the old lock, which is a non smart key. At least now I have peace of mind that it will always work. I am keeping the old smart key locks, because I know with all the problems that everybody is having, there has to be a recall and maybe I can get my money back, but I will not hold my breath. Keep complaining to Kwikset about the so called smart key. I wasn’t very smart to buy it in the first place."
Many people seem to think that locksmith services are too expensive. In fact locksmith services are often cheaper than purchasing the DIY products from the big box hardware stores, because locksmiths have taken the time and training to master their product lines. Installation, service, maintenance all taken care of by a true technician with experience in the field.
I understand the perception that DIY is often cheaper, but realistically the locksmith (one of the oldest professions) has deliberately trained to service, advise and protect consumers from the poor advice and suggestions often received at the big box stores from untrained, unknowing part time sales assistants.
I regularly see both Kwikset Smartkey and Schlage Securekey products in the field. Often they are purchased by consumers at the big box hardware stores because most locksmiths refuse to stock them.
I can easily reset the tumblers for clients, often because they have lost the reset tool for the Kwikset or are simply unaware that the process is uncomplicated. The Schlage Securekey is a little more complicated process to re-key, but this is because many customers no longer have access to the blue reset key.
For the better (and often cheaper) products, visit your local locksmith today and find out the why's and how's behind purchasing suitable functional and correct locking systems and products.
See also Kwikset Smartkey Locks - Making Keys
June 29, 2010
Schlage Securekey Problems
Reports are coming in about significant problems with the new Schlage Securekey product line. Specifically, these problems include design manufacture inconsistencies and parts not performing the task for which they were designed.
Apparently, some of the internal pin tumbler workings are known to separate from the side bar element, causing keys to not work as they are supposed to.
There have been reports of the cylinders able to be re-keyed without the use of the special key provided.
People locked out of Schlage Securekey products have generally required the product destroyed and replaced, because of the apparent inability or difficulty to have a key determined.
We are looking into these claims and plan to report more as we find out.
Baldwin Hardware - Now Using Kwikset Key Cylinders
Baldwin Hardware Products are well known throughout the marketplace as manufacturers of superior quality hardware. It is unfortunate that new Baldwin products are now being made with Kwikset Smartkey cylinders. This represents a slap in the face to consumers, locksmiths and hardware providers everywhere, in my opinion. I suggest that Baldwin may have difficulties in future, honoring their lifetime warranties.
There is a bright side however, many of their products are able to use after-market cylinders, enabling third party manufacturers to still provide significantly better quality key cylinders and continue the ability to master key as necessary.
June 11, 2010
Bilock Mortise Keyholes
April 1, 2010
Cal-Royal - Bilock Hybrid $98.00

Construction Features:
- Mounting screws 8-32 X1 1/2" (Sgl cyl.)8-32 X 2" (Dbl cyl.)
- 2 1/2" dia. tapered cylinder guard and solid metal insert, turns free with any removal attempt.
- 2 1/2" dia. tapered cylinder guard and solid metal insert, turns free with any removal attempt.
- One-piece solid brass housing for extra strength.
- Hardened steel tail piece.
- Pick resistant solid brass 6 pin tumbler plug "C".
- Brass keys.
- Sturdy, all steel latch case and mechanism.
- Full 1" throw deadbolt.
- Latch and strike screws are 8-32x1" combination wood/machine for applications on wood, metal or fiberglass doors and frames.
- Strike and box.
As the largest Bilock Extreme Security dealer in the mid-west, we are now producing limited numbers of our Hybrid Cal-Royal/Bilock Grade 3 deadbolt. By replacing the standard cylinder that comes with the LSD-01, with a Bilock Extreme Security Cylinder and 2 keys, we can offer a totally bump proof and virtually pick proof lock with keys that cannot be duplicated for about $98.00 (depending on the color).
When you compare the different brands of deadbolts currently on the market, most will vary in price due to the ANSI grade, the brand name and the quality of construction.
Many front or back doors on homes across America, already use Kwikset or Schlage Grade 3 deadbolts as the common product. The average price for these brand name products are between $35 and $70. Considering they do not offer any protection from key duplication, bump or pick attempts, makes this Bilock/Cal-Royal Hybrid combination, a very affordable solution to protecting your family and property.
We will also be introducing a Bilock/Cal-Royal Hybrid deadbolt and Strikemaster II Pro door frame strengthener package, soon. This will enable you to secure your doors with the finest lock system available and combine it with the best door frame strengthener on the market. Complete door kick-in protection and pick/bump proof locks for $199.95. Unbeatable Value!
To purchase this limited edition product at these unbeatable prices, please email us now.
March 19, 2010
Bilock - Baldwin Hybrid

Bilock products are known worldwide for their impressive bump proof and pick resistant/proof qualities.
We recently combined the two brands to enable Baldwin products to work using Bilock cylinders and keys.
The process is quite simple and maintains the Baldwin hardware, while using the famed, Bilock 100% bump proof and virtually pick proof system, combined with keys that are physically unable to be duplicated.

Bilock keys can only be produced as originals. Each key is numbered individually and can only be made using specialist machinery.
We recently installed Bilock for a customer who has Baldwin locks, but wanted to prevent any unauthorised key duplication and to guarantee against lock bumping.
The process was comparatively inexpensive and quite simple and effective to complete.
For further information on Bilock-Baldwin Hybrid lock systems, please contact us.
Baldwin - The Best Product For Obvious Reasons

Now you can include the functional and easily accessible modern wireless control products to the Baldwin line.
Baldwin products have been reknowned since 1946 for their style, quality and lifetime guarantee on most products.
With electronics, it is very difficult to offer lifetime warranties. the average warranty with any lifetime product is 1-2 years.

Baldwin is the product I recommend more often to customers, due to the quality of manufacture and the (in general) lifetime warranty, on most products.
Baldwin's technical services division is staffed by competent technicians, capable of helping just about anyone and everyone. Their desire to live up to their lifetime guarantee's differs this company from many competitors.
With the Home Connect service included, you can control access to your property using the internet or a mobile device with a secure connection. Everything to allowing temporary access to a technician or the cleaning lady, knowing when your children arrive home, SMS messages for notifications, you can even use the units as your alarm system switch, to disarm.
Coming Spring 2010
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Danny was very professional and friendly at the same time. He not only gave me the quote and fixed the exterior door and explained his work. He was prompt and upfront about the work and did the work. He came in time took care of it on the same day. (Sasheethn K St Louis MO) June 2018d out problems but assured not urgent. Please feel free to have Danny pass out my number for my total experience review 314-351-5553
Charlie M. (St Louis, MO) November 2015
Danny was pleasure to meet and was very knowledgable. He explained several lock replacement options but I decided none of them were a good fit for a storm door, however, I did replace a lock on my entry door with a type of lock I had never seen before. I would highly recommend this company.
Patricia J (Bridgeton, MO) March 2014
They were prompt and showed up when he said he would show up. He knew his stuff. I had ordered new handles and he was honest enough to say that we don't need them that he can fix the doors and he did. Made me lock and unlock my doors to his satisfaction so that I knew what to do. Am very, very pleased with the service and cost.
Joyce K (Glencoe, MO) May 2015
Showed up on time for appointment. Was very knowledgeable about the project and offered a solution beyond what I asked to be done.
Stephen G (Chesterfield, MO) May 2015
Daniel was right on time, assessed the problems I had with two doors, made the repairs, and explained what caused the problems to begin with .... He is a "door expert" and a true professional. I highly recommend him.
Vince V (St. Louis MO) May, 2015
Danny was fabulous! He went over my concerns and he provided me with more than a fair quote. He was there when he said he was going to be there. I would highly recommend Danny. Cheers!
Denise S (Imperial, MO) May 8, 2014
Hired Danny to re-key locks on "new" house purchase. He advised to replace with new deadbolts & door knobs on 3 entry doors instead which I agreed with. All doors have 1 matching key & the safety of excellent quality product & workmanship. He also added new strike plate to door frame to complete project.. I recommend as your 1st & only call to a Locksmith.
Denise F (St. Louis, MO) April 3, 2014
Danny was very helpful in solving a pretty complex problem involving many lock.
Scott C (Eureka, MO) March 27, 2014
Needed patio door track to run smoothly. Arrived early, fixed door and explained what he was doing during repair. Quick and easy. Door works great, my wife will now speak to me, and I've become a better dancer.
Mike W. (Arnold/Oakville MO) July 2013
The owner spent a longtime with me on the phone helping diagnosis the problem. He was on-time, friendly and helped resolve my issue. I will definitely use him again!
Chris C (Lake St Louis, MO) July 2013
I had a very pleasant experience with Master Key Systems. They came out, did the job (which took longer than expected) and they did not change the price they quoted me. Now, I am not certain that it was a great value for the money because I don't have a comparison, but they did what they said, when they said, for the price they said. Enough said!!!
Antonio B (Saint Louis, Missouri) March 2013
Professional.. Upfront about charges. Fixed the sticky door within 20 minutes. I will recommend Master Key for exterior door issues.
Muthu R (Ballwin, MO) July 2012
Danny was a master craftsman, knowledgable and professional. I will be calling on him again in the future as well as passing on his services to friends and family.
Marsha L (Saint Louis, MO) July 2012
Danny was excellent! I called him on a Monday to fix a sliding glass door. He happened to have the exact part we needed (and it was not an easy find - we had looked everywhere) and he came over Tuesday evening. He stayed until 8:00 until the job was done, and cleaned up afterwards. He was courteous, professional, and efficient! I could not be happier!
Rachel P Maryland Heights, MO (July 2012)
He did an excellent job. Got there on time and quickly solved the issue. Was very pleasant and explained the situation and how to keep the door from sticking in the future. Would definitely use Master Key LLC again!
Neil F. (Saint Louis, MO) April 2012
Danny was very friendly and knowledgeable, although his apprentice seemed to do most of the work, Danny kept an eye on him to make sure it was done right. He had very reasonable pricing for re-keying.
Greg D (St Louis, MO) October 2011
He was extrememly fabulous and helpful and did a wonderful job. He was very professional.
Shannon M. (Arnold, MO) October 2011
Growing up spending so much of my time in Italy, the uniqueness of the Nova Classico left quite an impression on me. To be able to have and enjoy them in my own home here in the states is a nostalgic indulgence I'm enjoying beyond words. Thank you Danny for coordinating this transaction.
Joseph M (Chicago, IL) September 2011
great job. hired on the spot and he did job right then at great price
Ron B (Arnold, MO) July 2011
I searched the internet and found your services. I received three phone calls within several days. A service call was scheduled. Two gentlemen arrived promptly, analyzed the problem and fixed it.
James & Florenc M Saint Louis, MO July 2011
The repairman was on time and did an excellent job of fixing a very stubborn door lock. He was persistent and cleaned up the work area afterwards. I would use this service again.
Brenda F (Saint Peters, MO) June 2011
Danny at Master Key Systems has succeeded in making the purchasing of our Meroni door locks, from Italy, an absolute breeze. Even though I live in Australia with a 16hr time difference and was ordering door knobs from Italy that weren't in stock, the whole process was faultless. Danny was prompt and efficient with all his emails and made sure we had covered every possible variable so that the product I received was exactly as required. I would have no hesitation in recommending Danny for your next purchase.
Patrick Carr (Canberra, Australia)
Patrick Carr (Canberra, Australia)
Your product really helped because I needed to secure a nurse's station adjacent to a waiting room and needed a pocket door. Unfortunately, no real options were available to lock a pocket door effectively that would keep me compliant with HIPAA and secure an area that stores medical supplies. This was vitally important as this particular waiting room was for "waiting detox patients". Thank you very much.
Randall R The Fritz Clinic (Birmingham, Al) March 2011
Danny was very polite and knew what the problem was and how to fix it. He also gave me some information about other issues that could arise with my door and locks. Will hire again if I ever need that type of work done.
Jason M Imperial, MO March 2011
I had an exterior basement door that dragged when opening and closing. The hinges were not fitting properly and the door frame had shifted, probably due to the age of the house.The screwswould not go far enough into the wall without hitting stone...even using a special drill bit. Dan worked a long time drilling and sanding to shore up the door as best as possible. I know it will never be perfect. He could have easily sold me a new door and the same issue would happen. He was honest, thorough, and did an excellent job without charging me a fortune. I'm satisfied with the door now. If you want an honest, experienced man, Then Dan is the man
Roger M Saint Louis, MO March 2011
I purchased the Cowdroy P697 Pocket door lock with key over the internet. I emailed questions before my purchase and was provided with the answers quickly by return email. The purchase was quick and easy and the lock was shipped immediatly. Installation is quick and easy. But you do need to convert millimeters to inches (use the internet) in the installation instructions. And the lock looks great and works great. I will do business with them again. THANK YOU
Ed D (February, 2011)
Who Are We?

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This site is to inform about historical and modern approaches to Keys and Physical Security products and services., established in 2006, offers residents and businesses of St Louis Locksmith premium quality products and services. As the Premier Bilock Extreme Security Dealer in The Mid-West,
Our conveniently located workshop and service vehicles are uniquely designed to offer trade qualified, bonded, insured tradespeople with knowledge and experience spanning multiple countries and product lines.
Shipping and Returns
All products are sent in manufacturers condition.
All products are subject to sales tax where applicable.
All products are dispatched within 10 business days of remittance.
All products are subject to manufacturers warranties.
All products returned within 30 days, will be 95% refunded less shipping.
Prices are subject to change without notice.