Specialty Door, Lock And Repair Services In St Louis Missouri. (314)266-1533
Unique Security Products and Specialty Locksmith Services
December 14, 2007
November 26, 2007
Magnetic Cupboard Lock

This incredible device installs to the inside of your cupboard or drawer without an external keyhole.
Perfect for securing medicine cabinets or drawers from children, locking that knife drawer etc.
Surprisingly inexpensive, these units can be easily installed for less than $10.
Thats total concealed security (no keyhole) for your cupboard or drawer for $10.
Your Keys To The Future

Bilock is without doubt the simplest, easiest and most user friendly security product to evolve since the invention of the modern pin tumbler mechanism.
The efficiency of the Bilock system is enhanced with the use of Promaster 5 master keying software.
Bilock cylinders are tailored to suit almost all current hardware lines in the USA. The factory will even custom build on request.
Master Key Systems America is currently designing a Bilock conversion for safety deposit boxes that will dramatically enhance the security, functionality and ease of use for banks, their customers and security departments.
I use Bilock on my home because it is by far the most secure product and I can absolutely guarantee, no person can provide duplicate keys.
I do not use Grade 1 products, but standard residential grade 2 and the Bilock product fits easily and beautifully maintaining the character of the premises while providing funtionality and security second to none.
November 15, 2007
Radio News Report On Bumping
This is further evidence of the vulnerabilities of almost all conventional lock and key systems currently used across America today.
Click on the picture to listen to the radio report.
Bilock, is the only pin tumbler product in America that is 100% fully guaranteed bump proof.
The design of the Bilock product is far advanced compared to other products and includes devices that deter effective lock pick devices
Locks210.com and our parent company, Master Key Systems America LLC offers Bilock as our signature product. When combined with the Bioaxxis BD1 fingerprint biometric deadbolt, you create the most formidable lock product available today.
If lock bumping doesnt or hasnt concerned you in the recent past, perhaps it is time to re-examine your priorities?
Many houses and residential condominium and apartment complexes use sophisticated master key systems to easily maintain smooth and efficient maintenance access to residential entries and public areas. With all the recent publicity surrounding lock bumping and the quantity of news stories across America about this issue and the issues relating to Scam and Phony locksmith companies, consumers need to be more diligent and proactive than ever before.
November 14, 2007
Budweiser Can Safe
Motion Detecting Alarm With Dialling Unit

Possibly the most useful home security launched for years!
This is a passive infra-red alarm which will dial a pre-programmed telephone number as soon as an intruder enters the premises. It dials out automatically as soon as it detects movement within 6 metres.
A 125 decibel alarm siren will sound 20 seconds after the first telephone number has been dialled. If you want to you can switch the siren off for silent telephone alert only.
Up to 3 telephone numbers can be programmed to be dialled simultaneously.
November 8, 2007

Quote Of The Day
Some are sharp
some are pretty
some are dull
Some have weird names
all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box. (Anonymous)
Home Advisor (formerly Service Magic) Testimonials And Sites That Recommend Us
Patrick Carr (Canberra, Australia)
Who Are We?

Welcome to Locks210.com.
This site is to inform about historical and modern approaches to Keys and Physical Security products and services.
Locks210.com, established in 2006, offers residents and businesses of St Louis Locksmith premium quality products and services. As the Premier Bilock Extreme Security Dealer in The Mid-West,
Our conveniently located workshop and service vehicles are uniquely designed to offer trade qualified, bonded, insured tradespeople with knowledge and experience spanning multiple countries and product lines.